
It took me all day!

Whew! Finally!  I have spent all day working on the blog.  I have rearranged the galleries and added more pictures that I know were missing.  I will continue to add photos until I get them all in there.  I hope you are having a great week and I am looking forward to Memorial Day.  I will be making mini cheese cakes for our church this Sunday.  I'm even getting the "grill bug."  I am really in the mood to make a 3D grill cake (again, it's been years!).  Who knows, I may even take pictures of the progress as I go along.  I know it will be fun.  Have a great night! Hope to hear from you soon! 


Available Dates for June and New Exciting News!

There is not much room on my calender for June.  So, if you are needing to place an order, be sure to get  with me quickly.
Available dates:    June 1-3
                         June 27-July 2

New Exciting news!
I have recently participated in a commercial for the city of Edmond promoting classes and other exciting recreation available at the MAC.  It will be on channel 20, please let me know how it looks if you see it.  I would love to hear what you think!

In June,  at the MAC, I will be teaching a cake class:  

How to make a Purse cake 

If you are interested in participating, please go to the Edmond Community Centers web page  for more information.  I hope to see you there!

As always, I've been very busy.  School is out and orders continue!  However, I haven't added any new photos, so I think it's time!  There are many different styles and celebrations of cake, cup cakes, and cake pops.  These are orders, I have chosen to share with you and does not include standing cookie orders.  I truly hope you enjoy all you see.