Pink Box Bake Shop: Now Open!!
This is a link to my friend "KiMater." She is an amazing lady and if any one catches this post and lives or visits Victoria, TX, she would love to have you stop in.
Cake Schedule
Scheduled/Closed dates:
October 27-30
November 2-6
December 1-7
Please check with me if the date you need is taken. Some times there are cancellations.
Have a great night!
October 27-30
November 2-6
December 1-7
Please check with me if the date you need is taken. Some times there are cancellations.
Have a great night!
New Cakes
I know you must have missed me. O.K., maybe not. I've have missed being on here though. I have had trouble with my computer and have been at the mercy of my children and husband to use their computers. It just is never the same when I'm on theirs. My pictures and cake programs are not on them, only on mine. However, the geek squad has come to my rescue and my computer is back on. Yes, it feels like my long lost love has re-entered my life (so to speak).
I have been very busy and have made some fun and tasty cakes. I am posting them on this post and in the gallery's they belong in. That way you will have a front page view and then they will be accessible when this post has been archived.
Before I post the photos, I want to say thank you to my customers who continue to support my passion. With out any of you, I would not have the opportunity to push myself to be better than the last cake or cookie creation.
Please continue to pray for my niece Ashley Kate. Her fight is far from over. She has to be infection and hospital free for three months before the doctors will even talk about re-listing her for transplant. To see how she is doing, please stop by her blog I know they would appreciate your visit.
Time for cake!
Cinderella Princess or Princess Kezia
Small cake is a specialty cake made by the mom. I made the topper and decorated the cake for her. The large Carriage is chocolate cake filled with vanilla butter cream. All accessories are fondant with tylose and edible dragees.
Bench on the front of the carriage.
Curtain and side panel with step.
Allison's Coach Purse
Vanilla cake, vanilla butter cream filling, covered with fondant. Gum paste IPod.
Bowling Bayly
Fondant bowling pins and balls top vanilla cup cakes
We had a bowling party with pizza and of course bowling.

Damask (I had 2 orders for the exact same cake. I am only posting one.)
The birthday ladies were: Candi and Sharon
(both had their own cake about a week apart)

The colors are not what I was after. I was working for a bright pink swirl and bright lime green swirl on the cakes. They turned out nice though. I think Becca really liked it.
Mrs. Patti Hog was so kind to order a special cake for her M-I-L. She requested flowers. Because of the size of cake, it needed a single hand made gum paste flower. I hear she loved it.
Cherry cake with vanilla butter cream and cherry butter cream filling and border.
Under Construction.
I have made this little guys cakes from the beginning- No.1 Now we are on No.3! I enjoyed this. Thank you to my husband, we worked on this one together.
The vehicles are rice krispy treats and the sand is sugar cookie and sanding sugars.
Play Ball! This cake was for nephew, Blake, who turned 15. My 2 nephews are 11 days apart!
Blake has had baseball fever since he was walking and talking. This is a round field with a fence, the ball, cap and hot dog are rice krispy treats and the peanuts are fondant. Happy Birthday "Catch!"
Guess who this cake was for! Yep, Mike Hogg! He is a die hard OU fan. Every year a new OU design for him.
However, every year it is cherry cake with cherry butter cream filling.
Spiderman, My Hero! Lennox is such a cute little guy. Pardon me, he's a big 3 now! and still cute as a bug.
Believe it or not, this one put me on edge a little. I did not want to disappoint anyone, but it came out better than I thought. Honestly, I was very pleased with the result. I can not remember which web site I found the instructions on, but they were a big help! Thank you to you!
The head is rice krispy treats and the torso is cake. Lennox is on cup cakes, not cookies. Everyone kept saying cool cookies, but they are cool cup cakes.
F4 Fighter Plane
This was a very large cake. Thanks to my wonderful husband we were able to accomplish this task. The runway even had working lights that flashed in sequence from back to front. It was pretty cool.
Camo Jake.
My nephew Jake turned 15 and went deer hunting with his new gun. Yes, he got one! The biggest one out of the entire hunting party. Poor Bambi's mommy.
hApPy BiRtHdAy Judge!
Cake Pop!
Single serving. Chocolate inside and out! Yummmmmm!
Camo Calvin
(Loved seeing this guy! He looks exactly like both of his parents whom I dearly love! Nancy and "Lumpy") This was not a military party, it was an air gun party something like paint ball. Mini air-gun and mini binoculars with "Duff" trees are fondant.
The Party was at Paint Your Art Out in Edmond. This cake was based off the painting they were doing at the party.
Cow Skull (served 50)
Vanilla cake with vanilla butter cream and raspberry filling. Sounds yummy to me!
(I think it's a very ugly cake, but I received a text the next day that read, "it was a hit and it tasted as amazing as it looked." I would say it was a success!)
The horns are rice krispy treats and the sand is sugar cookie and sanding sugar.
I hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the up coming weather.
If you have a need for a cake or cookies in the near future (2 weeks or 2 months) please email or call to schedule. I'm already taking orders for December and January. Don't miss your chance to have a Toni Cake.
I have been very busy and have made some fun and tasty cakes. I am posting them on this post and in the gallery's they belong in. That way you will have a front page view and then they will be accessible when this post has been archived.
Before I post the photos, I want to say thank you to my customers who continue to support my passion. With out any of you, I would not have the opportunity to push myself to be better than the last cake or cookie creation.
Please continue to pray for my niece Ashley Kate. Her fight is far from over. She has to be infection and hospital free for three months before the doctors will even talk about re-listing her for transplant. To see how she is doing, please stop by her blog I know they would appreciate your visit.
Time for cake!
Cinderella Princess or Princess Kezia
Small cake is a specialty cake made by the mom. I made the topper and decorated the cake for her. The large Carriage is chocolate cake filled with vanilla butter cream. All accessories are fondant with tylose and edible dragees.
Bench on the front of the carriage.
Curtain and side panel with step.
Allison's Coach Purse
Vanilla cake, vanilla butter cream filling, covered with fondant. Gum paste IPod.
Fondant bowling pins and balls top vanilla cup cakes
We had a bowling party with pizza and of course bowling.
Damask (I had 2 orders for the exact same cake. I am only posting one.)
The birthday ladies were: Candi and Sharon
(both had their own cake about a week apart)
The colors are not what I was after. I was working for a bright pink swirl and bright lime green swirl on the cakes. They turned out nice though. I think Becca really liked it.
Cherry cake with vanilla butter cream and cherry butter cream filling and border.
I have made this little guys cakes from the beginning- No.1 Now we are on No.3! I enjoyed this. Thank you to my husband, we worked on this one together.
The vehicles are rice krispy treats and the sand is sugar cookie and sanding sugars.
Blake has had baseball fever since he was walking and talking. This is a round field with a fence, the ball, cap and hot dog are rice krispy treats and the peanuts are fondant. Happy Birthday "Catch!"
Guess who this cake was for! Yep, Mike Hogg! He is a die hard OU fan. Every year a new OU design for him.
However, every year it is cherry cake with cherry butter cream filling.
Believe it or not, this one put me on edge a little. I did not want to disappoint anyone, but it came out better than I thought. Honestly, I was very pleased with the result. I can not remember which web site I found the instructions on, but they were a big help! Thank you to you!
The head is rice krispy treats and the torso is cake. Lennox is on cup cakes, not cookies. Everyone kept saying cool cookies, but they are cool cup cakes.
This was a very large cake. Thanks to my wonderful husband we were able to accomplish this task. The runway even had working lights that flashed in sequence from back to front. It was pretty cool.
My nephew Jake turned 15 and went deer hunting with his new gun. Yes, he got one! The biggest one out of the entire hunting party. Poor Bambi's mommy.
hApPy BiRtHdAy Judge!
Single serving. Chocolate inside and out! Yummmmmm!
(Loved seeing this guy! He looks exactly like both of his parents whom I dearly love! Nancy and "Lumpy") This was not a military party, it was an air gun party something like paint ball. Mini air-gun and mini binoculars with "Duff" trees are fondant.
The Party was at Paint Your Art Out in Edmond. This cake was based off the painting they were doing at the party.
Cow Skull (served 50)
Vanilla cake with vanilla butter cream and raspberry filling. Sounds yummy to me!
(I think it's a very ugly cake, but I received a text the next day that read, "it was a hit and it tasted as amazing as it looked." I would say it was a success!)
The horns are rice krispy treats and the sand is sugar cookie and sanding sugar.
I hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the up coming weather.
If you have a need for a cake or cookies in the near future (2 weeks or 2 months) please email or call to schedule. I'm already taking orders for December and January. Don't miss your chance to have a Toni Cake.
Pink Box Bake Shop: Recipes
For those of you who know me personally and have heard of "KiMater," this is my bestest buddy! She has a great blog and I hope you will go check it out.
This is a how to make Isomalt diamonds for anyone interested. Be careful! Do not get burned!
Pink Box Bake Shop: Recipes: "Isomalt Hard Candy Recipe for making Sugar Diamonds 1 cup Isomalt 4 Tablespoons Hot Water Liquid food coloring as desired Combine Isom..."
This is a how to make Isomalt diamonds for anyone interested. Be careful! Do not get burned!
Pink Box Bake Shop: Recipes: "Isomalt Hard Candy Recipe for making Sugar Diamonds 1 cup Isomalt 4 Tablespoons Hot Water Liquid food coloring as desired Combine Isom..."
If you Post it They will Come! UPDATE!
Cake orders are coming in fast! If you need to schedule, email or call me before your date is closed.
The following dates are now closed:
August 16 -21
August 22-28
August 29-September 2
September 9-11
September 13-18
September 20-25
September 27-October 3
Although there are no cake dates available for these dates, there are cake pop and cookie dates open. Email, call or catch me in person to check open dates, if you need or want any.
Thank you to everyone for responding! You are great!
The following dates are now closed:
August 16 -21
August 22-28
August 29-September 2
September 9-11
September 13-18
September 20-25
September 27-October 3
Although there are no cake dates available for these dates, there are cake pop and cookie dates open. Email, call or catch me in person to check open dates, if you need or want any.
Thank you to everyone for responding! You are great!
Cake orders are coming in fast! If you need one email or call me before your date is closed.
The following date are now closed:
August 21 -28
September 10- 24
Thank you to everyone!!!
The following date are now closed:
August 21 -28
September 10- 24
Thank you to everyone!!!
Oh Where Oh Where are my Cake Orders?
No, I know I shouldn't post this, but I did have a wonderful break this summer. However, it's time to get back to work. I don't care that school is starting, I need to decorate cake! I don't care if it's cake pops, specialty sugar cookies, I just need to be creative and have some where for them to go! I know this is nuts! I have orders on my calendar, but I want MORE! whoo hoo! Bring it on! I'm ready. Is that wrong?
Well, October is going to be here before I know it. I guess I could get started on that! You don't know what happens in October? Oklahoma Sugar Art Show in Tulsa! Competition! I'm so excited! I know what I'm going to be creating, but you will have to wait to know or to see it. If you are a decorator and plan on attending, I'd love to see you there. Let me know if I should look for you! I'll be there the entire show with my hubby.
Please let me tell you about the strawberry cake I had pulled out of the oven and no customer to receive it. No, it did not get thrown in the trash! This morning I pulled it out of the freezer/fridge (yes, it's been there since I filled with vanilla butter cream, covered with fondant and some what decorated it!) and gave it to my niece Jessica. No worries - I tried it! It was as amazing as the day I baked it. Jessie is a strawberry cake eating girl and loves my strawberry cake. Jessie was more than happy to take it off my hands. It made smiley to give it to her, too. I didn't want it to go to waste. All's well that end's well.
HEY!! I do not keep cake anywhere that long, but I wanted to see how yummy it would taste after "so many" days. I win!!!!
I guess it's time to get some zzzzz's. If you or anyone you know needs cake, cookies, or cake pops, please send them my way. I will love to take care of their sweet tooth.
Have a blessed week!
Please continue praying for Ashley and my family. Thank you.
Well, October is going to be here before I know it. I guess I could get started on that! You don't know what happens in October? Oklahoma Sugar Art Show in Tulsa! Competition! I'm so excited! I know what I'm going to be creating, but you will have to wait to know or to see it. If you are a decorator and plan on attending, I'd love to see you there. Let me know if I should look for you! I'll be there the entire show with my hubby.
Please let me tell you about the strawberry cake I had pulled out of the oven and no customer to receive it. No, it did not get thrown in the trash! This morning I pulled it out of the freezer/fridge (yes, it's been there since I filled with vanilla butter cream, covered with fondant and some what decorated it!) and gave it to my niece Jessica. No worries - I tried it! It was as amazing as the day I baked it. Jessie is a strawberry cake eating girl and loves my strawberry cake. Jessie was more than happy to take it off my hands. It made smiley to give it to her, too. I didn't want it to go to waste. All's well that end's well.
HEY!! I do not keep cake anywhere that long, but I wanted to see how yummy it would taste after "so many" days. I win!!!!
I guess it's time to get some zzzzz's. If you or anyone you know needs cake, cookies, or cake pops, please send them my way. I will love to take care of their sweet tooth.
Have a blessed week!
Please continue praying for Ashley and my family. Thank you.
A Bitter Sweet Weekend
Yes, I must explain the title of my post. Forgive me as it may seem a ramble. There is a point, bare with me.
My sweet niece, Ashley Kate is in the PICU at Omaha, NE. She had gone into severe rejection with one of her transplanted organs. On July 30th, the transplant team had to go in and remove all except 3 inches of her intestine and 3 inches of the donor intestine. My brother, Chuck, older sister, Kathy, and I grabbed some clothes and a toothbrush and rushed to Omaha, so Trish and my brother-in-law, Dave would not be alone. We made it right after they took her back. We stayed the entire weekend and arrived back home Sunday night. (So, there is the very BITTER. Wait there is more to come.)
Monday morning I had to go cake supply shopping (Why does that always take for ever?). I had only one order for a customer, a smash cake, 100 sugar cookies, and a 3 tier cake to do for my niece who was turning 5 on August 4th. Wednesday afternoon, as soon as I took cakes out of the oven, I ask my customer if she could pick up her order 2 days prior to the original date. Unfortunately, she decided to cancel after I spent money and time working on her order.
Of course, I needed to get back to Omaha with the cookies and cake for my niece. So, I pressed on and finished my sisters order. On August 6th, we left at 10:30 a.m. for Omaha and the 7th celebrated Ashley's birthday. About 90 people, including family and friends made it to Omaha for Ashley. That was such a blessing, and the SWEET part. When I saw Ashley, I thought, she did not look right, but was still beautiful. (I chalked it up to she was scared of all the people and still had not recovered from her ex-plant.) Sunday morning came, packed up and ready to go home, we drove to the hospital to say goodbye. On our way there I received a text: They had to take Ashley back into the O.R. That was so scary knowing my thoughts at the party. I was so grateful we had not left yet and were able to be there once again for my sister and Dave. They did not find what they were looking for, but an ugly infection from the prior surgery. Ashley is still battling the infection.
I'm not looking for sympathy, just your prayers.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...Even though you have no clue is going on in someones life and they should never have "cake" conflicts, don't rush to judgment. Sometimes life just happens. Remember, it is not in their control, just as it is not in yours.
(If you would like to know what is going on with Ashley Kate, her blog is "She will leave finger prints all over your heart."
Thank you for allowing me to ramble, I know this is a cake blog, so I'm happy to post CAKE and COOKIES. I have already put it on Cake Central. There are over 100 favorites of her cake and that made me smile. I hope you enjoy the cake as much as I enjoyed the privilege to make it.
Have a blessed week.
My sweet niece, Ashley Kate is in the PICU at Omaha, NE. She had gone into severe rejection with one of her transplanted organs. On July 30th, the transplant team had to go in and remove all except 3 inches of her intestine and 3 inches of the donor intestine. My brother, Chuck, older sister, Kathy, and I grabbed some clothes and a toothbrush and rushed to Omaha, so Trish and my brother-in-law, Dave would not be alone. We made it right after they took her back. We stayed the entire weekend and arrived back home Sunday night. (So, there is the very BITTER. Wait there is more to come.)
Monday morning I had to go cake supply shopping (Why does that always take for ever?). I had only one order for a customer, a smash cake, 100 sugar cookies, and a 3 tier cake to do for my niece who was turning 5 on August 4th. Wednesday afternoon, as soon as I took cakes out of the oven, I ask my customer if she could pick up her order 2 days prior to the original date. Unfortunately, she decided to cancel after I spent money and time working on her order.
Of course, I needed to get back to Omaha with the cookies and cake for my niece. So, I pressed on and finished my sisters order. On August 6th, we left at 10:30 a.m. for Omaha and the 7th celebrated Ashley's birthday. About 90 people, including family and friends made it to Omaha for Ashley. That was such a blessing, and the SWEET part. When I saw Ashley, I thought, she did not look right, but was still beautiful. (I chalked it up to she was scared of all the people and still had not recovered from her ex-plant.) Sunday morning came, packed up and ready to go home, we drove to the hospital to say goodbye. On our way there I received a text: They had to take Ashley back into the O.R. That was so scary knowing my thoughts at the party. I was so grateful we had not left yet and were able to be there once again for my sister and Dave. They did not find what they were looking for, but an ugly infection from the prior surgery. Ashley is still battling the infection.
I'm not looking for sympathy, just your prayers.
I guess what I'm trying to say is...Even though you have no clue is going on in someones life and they should never have "cake" conflicts, don't rush to judgment. Sometimes life just happens. Remember, it is not in their control, just as it is not in yours.
(If you would like to know what is going on with Ashley Kate, her blog is "She will leave finger prints all over your heart."
Thank you for allowing me to ramble, I know this is a cake blog, so I'm happy to post CAKE and COOKIES. I have already put it on Cake Central. There are over 100 favorites of her cake and that made me smile. I hope you enjoy the cake as much as I enjoyed the privilege to make it.
Have a blessed week.
Smash Cake
Under the Sea (front)
Under the Sea (back)
2nd Tier
"Ashley's Place"
"Bob" the Blue Fish
(yes, I named them and gave them a voice!)
"Clown" Fish (Notice the big red noses and wig!)
"Sam" the Swordfish (Poor guy lost his sword fight)
"Red" the Crab, "Orion" the Starfish & Mr. Puffer
"Lola" the Kissing Fish (Love those lips!)
See the clam? It has a pearl too!
"Grandpa" the Octopus
Funny Flamingo Cookies
Party with Palm Trees
Fat Fish
Still ReWorking the Cake Blog
Hello again. It's been a great summer for me. I've taken a cake break and traveled to Louisiana and Texas and have been so busy. Even on my vacation, I worked! Some of you may not know, but I do more than just cake. I embroider, sew and paint, yes, I am a "Jill" of all trades. I've even cut the family and extended families hair. Scary!! I'm just happy I wasn't the person sitting in the chair at the time.
Any way, I simply wanted to touch base with you about the blog. I have changed how I am posting pictures now. You will find them under the tabs listed on the right side of the blog. The newest photos are not the first pictures you see, because I have found it easier to add them to the end. Please feel free to browse and leave comments. I am still adding photos and I've even started back to work on cake.
I hope you have a blessed rest of the summer and I'll be getting back with you soon.
Please stop by the blog I have posted, my niece, a precious almost 5 year old needs your prayers. Thank you!
Any way, I simply wanted to touch base with you about the blog. I have changed how I am posting pictures now. You will find them under the tabs listed on the right side of the blog. The newest photos are not the first pictures you see, because I have found it easier to add them to the end. Please feel free to browse and leave comments. I am still adding photos and I've even started back to work on cake.
I hope you have a blessed rest of the summer and I'll be getting back with you soon.
Please stop by the blog I have posted, my niece, a precious almost 5 year old needs your prayers. Thank you!
Cake is like life - It's everywhere!
O.K. maybe not in your life, but in mine. I really do enjoy setting myself goals to see what I can accomplish.
This past week I had the privilege to make baby blocks for a baby shower. My customer sent a picture of what MS called petite fours that were actually mini cakes-baby blocks. I was happy to create blocks, but I did it with a "Toni" twist (or so a customer has told me!). If you would like to compare the two works of art, send me a note and I'll send you the web site where the photo came from. Not to toot my own horn, but I was rather pleased with the final result. If you know me, I pretty much would not say something like that, so please forgive. I want to share them with you and would appreciate if you could let me know what you think about them. They were no where near "perfect", I simply enjoyed being creative.
Then another cake I was able to make was kind of a repeat, but not a repeat. It was an open mouth bass, jumping through the cake. This time I added, cat tails, rocks and plant leaves you might find between your toes if walking in the water. There were even 2 lily pads. There was no stress or issues with this cake at all. I truly enjoyed this one.
To see any of my creations, all you need to do is click on the tabs at the top of the page. Remember, I'm reworking my blog so the photos are not all there, but they will be as soon as possible.
Have a very blessed week!
This past week I had the privilege to make baby blocks for a baby shower. My customer sent a picture of what MS called petite fours that were actually mini cakes-baby blocks. I was happy to create blocks, but I did it with a "Toni" twist (or so a customer has told me!). If you would like to compare the two works of art, send me a note and I'll send you the web site where the photo came from. Not to toot my own horn, but I was rather pleased with the final result. If you know me, I pretty much would not say something like that, so please forgive. I want to share them with you and would appreciate if you could let me know what you think about them. They were no where near "perfect", I simply enjoyed being creative.
Then another cake I was able to make was kind of a repeat, but not a repeat. It was an open mouth bass, jumping through the cake. This time I added, cat tails, rocks and plant leaves you might find between your toes if walking in the water. There were even 2 lily pads. There was no stress or issues with this cake at all. I truly enjoyed this one.
To see any of my creations, all you need to do is click on the tabs at the top of the page. Remember, I'm reworking my blog so the photos are not all there, but they will be as soon as possible.
Have a very blessed week!
Bare with Me!
If you receive my blog when I publish something. Please forgive. I am working on pages! Yippee! This way if you would like to see a cake, just click on the page title at the top of the page. There is more to come. Thank you for you patience.
Have a blessed day and I hope you are loving the summer!
Have a blessed day and I hope you are loving the summer!
CAKE!!! It's everywhere!
Cake is everywhere! I even have been dreaming of it. I dream about being behind and making the wrong cake flavor and design and horrible things happening to them! O.K. definitely one of my dreams came true. Take a look at the cake it happened to. It was cute at the house, but then... No, I was so shocked by the time I arrived to fix it, I didn't take a picture. I simply focused on not crying because of the time I put into it. Cakes like this one will be a delivery with a fee-from now on. This is the only picture in existence!!!!
Well, so much for hard work! It doesn't always pay and this yellow critter proves it! I even stayed up all night!
I have so much to catch up on, I hope you understand. (School is out for us as of the 7th and I'm just now getting a chance to post.) Can you say Crazy Busy? If not, I just said it for both of us.
Here are some of the cakes I have accomplished along with some cookies and cake pops.
Vanilla Cake with Vanilla Butter Cream filling and Fondant
Here comes the Bride! and Groom.
I tried to make it a "Purple" Velvet, but the cocoa didn't allow it. Unfortunately, cake kept turning very ugly!
I have wanted to do a Damask design for so long and I was thrilled to do make it.
Grooms cake is Pineapple Chunk Cake iced and filled with Vanilla Butter Cream. The "Leather" tooling are panels of Fondx Fondant and horse shoe is Gum Paste dusted with many different colors of dusting powder. The statue is something the mother of the Groom added. Very nice touch.
Monkey Cake Pop Tree
How many monkeys have black noses? Can you find them?
In person they were more adorable with tan noses.
Basket Ball Anyone?
I should have made the front of the basket ball the other side. This is the back of a ball. I see my mistake now. Now that it is over. The base of the ball is Styrofoam and the top half is cake. This was an adventure. By the way, Stephanie. Thank you for sending your friend to me. I appreciate it!
I LOVE DISNEY!!!! IT'S THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! (Well, it make me smile!)
"Sweet 16"
Has a whole new meaning...
I just loved this cake! My customer said her daughter takes a great deal of time to decide on most everything. However, when she saw this cake (from a recent movie-Because I said so(?). She knew right away, this was the one! Then to make it her own, she wanted the center tier to have "geometric" circles. I think of the 70's myself! I loved it when the cake was done! So did her mom. The board is covered with Satin Ice Fondant. This is going to sound odd, but I think it was Vanilla. How sad, I obviously need sleep!
The cupcakes were for her class at lunch and they loved them. She had friends she never knew she had! Here is where the sweet meaning comes in. She shared them with the students that came over from another lunch table. Most teens wouldn't do that today. That is so SWEET!
Baylor or Bust!
I didn't care for the first design, so I added about an 1/2 of strawberry to the original cake flavor of Marble. (Don't worry, I've been friends with this family since the graduate couldn't say his "R's" and his daddy called him "Stumpy" in public! I don't "add" on flavors with just any one.) So, I forgot to mention this to her and when I called her that evening, she said they noticed, the funny was... most people wanted strawberry. So, in a way it worked well for all of us. She even had extra servings! Yippeeee!
ARMY Tank (and dinosaurs?)
My hubby and I worked and worked on this cake and the previous cake. Before that I worked on the luggage and cookies and the 2 smash cakes that were added to the order. It happens. I finally turned my oven off after having it run for almost 2 weeks solid.
This cake is made for a baseball fan. He turned only 70 last week. Every separate piece is cake, except the baseball. Don't worry, it could be eaten too, it's Rice Krispy Treats. I research vintage baseball and the only 2 things I didn't replicate very well, were the price on the popcorn bag and the bat. The original price of a bag of corn was 5 cents and the bat should have been very skinny. However, it's difficult to get the servings you need out of a skinny bat! These cakes are on a 20 x 30, 1/2" foam board. Very heavy. I'm going to add a close up of the base ball. It was my favorite!!!!!
See what I mean? Check out that stitching! Don't you just love it? O.K., enough of that!
A Bucket of Apples for the Teacher
I made these for the teachers who work at Edmond Christian Academy. Yes, I ate one too. It was rather tasty!
You know what they say, "An apple a day..."
There are a few cakes that I have not added. I didn't get a picture of them, because they went out so fast. Sorry. I may get a copy from the customer, then again, one never knows.
Final business before I go. During the month of June, I will only be accepting Cake PoP and Cookie orders. I apologize to anyone who is needing cake. I can not even refer you to my "back-up" baker, because I found out she too needs a cake break! I am already booking for July, through October, so if you anticipate needing or just wanting to order, you may want schedule and pay 25% of the order to hold your date. It is filling up quickly.
I pray you have a great week and a blessed night.
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