Here I am just sitting and wanting to know myself why I haven't stopped long enough to blog. I really miss doing this. It's my fun way of venting and sharing with other adults what I've been up to. Don't get me wrong, 6th graders can be O.K., but they are not very good when it comes to adult interaction. So, I leave them at school and wonder what I'll be keeping busy with next. So far, I've been busy with taxes (who hasn't been?), baking, decorating and competing in the Austin
"That Takes the Cake" Show. I know it's hard to believe, but I actually put a cake on the table. If that was all that happened, I would have so happy. However, God saw fit that I should do better than that. My cake took second in my division. Yippee! I can't believe I actually walked out with a medal! I haven't gotten a medal or award since High School Track! (10th grade)
There is so much to say about the Austin Show. I had the best time ever and met so many people! People like Laura, Mike McCarey-, Michelle, (who happens to be "bookmarked" on my computer),, and Janet These people were absolutely amazing and the work they do is just as amazing as they are. I hope you take some time to check out the many different works of art they have created.
The absolute best part of the the entire weekend was....
I got to hang out with my cake buddy - KiMater! We laughed, ate, and snored (yes, we both snored!).
There were so many cakes to see and so much to do. From classes to shopping and watching demonstrations and mini challenges. I was so busy talking I actually missed a great deal of the opportunities that were there. I am looking forward to seeing many of the faces at the next Tulsa Sugar Art Show in October. I already have my next design chosen for the Austin show. I'm excited and can't wait.
For the past two weekends in a row, I've been in Texas! I think I'll stick with good ole' Oklahoma this weekend! I need a break! (Yeah, right!) No, I'm booked again this month except for the 15th through the 19th. (WOW! I just received a phone call and some one is eyeballing one of those dates! That was fast!) However, you can still call to see if there happens to be any cancellations. The last week of this month I will be working a wedding (brides and grooms cake) and I'm very excited about them. Everything else is wedding showers and birthdays. Yes, I'll be posting pictures! Even of the past month-I do have a few. Well, my 6th graders are about to get out of computer class and I'd better get myself back to the grind stone! haha! (I'm too tired to grind my teeth! Not to mention any thing else! lol)
Photos of Mater In Progress (Show Cake):

This wonderful creation won 2nd Place in my division! I am still in shock and not sure it really happened yet.
Here are some of the cakes, cup cakes and cake pops from February.
Mod Monkey & Smash Cake
Meg's 1 & Hula Girl Smash Cake
Microbiologist anyone?
Valentines Cake Pops & Sugar Cookies
My niece Allie, is 12! Her mom, my sister Trish is an amazing party planner. She only plans for family though! We love it. Pink & Green Zebra with cake pops, suckers, and cup cakes. There were even fruit and veggie trays, but this isn't the "healthy" blog, it's a cake blog! I am posting individual pics of the table. (This is only one room out of 2 plus the entry way!)
A Lolly Pop Tree is so SWEET!!!!
Yes, these were yummy! Chocolate cup cakes with vanilla butter cream and chocolate sprinkles! Yummy!
Vanilla cup cakes with vanilla butter cream and pink sugar crystals. Again! Yummy!
I know there was so much more, but it's now getting very late and I'm to tired to continue! Just remember, "Every party has a pooper and I'm the pooper of the party!" (from Father of the Bride!) lol!
Later! I'll be seeing you around!